Planning permission granted

The Noble Consultancy demonstrate hunger for success yet again as 100 new dwellings approved at Hungerford.

Posted by Toby Eichler 5 years ago

The Noble Consultancy displayed dogged determination to get this one over the line, reacting quickly to the eternal demands of planning officers’ comments and LVIA requirements.

Architectural and planning services were provided in support of a detailed reserved matters application for 100 dwellings at the edge of Hungerford, on behalf of Bewley Homes plc and Wates Group.

The development required a sensitive approach to the site and the wider setting given its position within the North Wessex Downs AONB. A robust landscape scheme was developed to ensure the much-needed new dwellings will have minimal impact on the landscape and formed an appropriate transition to the built-up edge. A considerable tree planting buffer along the southern edge, along with pocket green spaces and a wide variety of tree species were introduced to complement the built form.

It’s always great to work with Bewley Homes and this was no exception!

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